Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Welcome !Site dnsline.ru just created.Real content coming soon.
Question: although the folder is cleared and upload other files

Hello. what kind of domain is it?

Question: ijvgjk92.isp1.testforhost.com

your test domain ijvgjk92.isp1.erahost.ru

Question: On the old хостеdefine(`DB_USERNAME`, `watchman`);define(`DB_PASSWORD`, `bl0aYaN7`);define(`DB_DATABASE`, `user1129781_newmag`);
Question: created a database watchmanкак will выглядетьdefine(`DB_DATABASE`, `user1129781_newmag`);

you make the data that you created in the panel. if a database name is watchman use watchman in the corresponding field of the configuration file.

you can also create a database with exactly the same IMEM, exactly the same user with exactly the same password and do not change the connection settings in the configuration file

Question: But it`s not menatetranone ijvgjk92.isp1.erahost.ru not rabotaetsya ijvgjk92.isp1.erahost.ru still can not process that request.500

please Wait, Your issue is being dealt with.


set the right path in the configuration file

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