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<< Previous       recipe ns records for the domain t-repetitor.by

Question: Good morning!Please list the following ns records for the domain t-repetitor.byИмя subdomain: @record Type: Mcdanie: emx.mail.EN.Priority: 10 TXT record with the following value: \"v=spf1 redirect=_spf.mail.ru\"

Hello. recording specified

Question: and a huge request list please 1 record (appears after tracing the top 2)the name of the subdomain: Google._domainkeyТип record: Drdanny: v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiqkbgqdv7s2mydufeu9cci/Lu4thMBAvP01j+5E0X7xpmtKJJwgOakQJbH36VdqfEqwtDyl41xccqqj/J8UH3UWaiaAKdQclU/IjIEaoPcE7khrc6w4+UFrFHuFcayG2UlAQ/EzEcPEy6KK9y6jpnzbYQCpF/T6HcaxltYIRIXUQmY4ibQIDAQAB

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