Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: can`t pay the host **
Question: http://*.**** here is a screenshot of this error

Hello. Please cite either the full screenshot, or a link to the page where you see it. on your screenshot displayed the standard error. the screenshot does not bear any meaning without specifying where you widget error.  can you please Describe more where You can see her

Question: https://*.*.*.* click to pay out there this is
Question: thank you all works

https://wallet.advcash.com/sci/paymentRequest.jsf  this is not our website. if you see this error on another site just try the action again. only to repeat, make sure you don`t pay again

Question: good day please help to change the primary domain on *.* thank you!!!

Your primary domain changed to < / span>magazin-zdorovy.ru

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