Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: why <!--#include virtual=\"cgi-bin/xlshop/menu.pl\"--> not working? If you access the file directly - cgi-bin/xlshop/menu.pl - webshopping.kiev.ua/xlshop/xlshop_demo/cgi-bin/xlshop/menu.pl it shows a menu with the store`s goods properly and using <!--#include virtual... in the html file gives an error - [an error occurred while processing this directive] Permission http://webshopping.kiev.ua/xlshop/xlshop_demo/index.shtml is 0755Рё in .htaccess file kelan executable -AddType text/html .shtml .sht .shtm .htm .html AddHandler server-parsed .shtml .sht .shtm .htm .html Files, scripts, old and everywhere he worked before, and on localhost too, Maybe You have this I need somewhere to turn?


please Wait, the request is sent to the administrator.



What you need to do whatever worked SSI 
Write in .htaccess Directive

AddHandler server-parsed .htm .html

not working again? list the first

Options +Includes

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