Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good day! Why not turn the PHP files? For example: http://yourability.ru/try.php. Displays the source code and the processing script

Hello. php files may not be executable, this is not a binaries

and why they phpyt handle, about u when you create a domain pointed its properties - without php. modify the properties wwwдомена  allowing him to use php

Question: Where can I change this?

wwwдомены choose the domain that you created and change. this option in svmtm the bottom of the window change the properties of a domain

Question: Without you found.When the changes take effect? Select \"PHP As Cgi\", yet nothing has changed


Question: And why are you telling me they threw? There are no words about PHP not

what was supposed to change?

where is php?

Question: http://cs616220.vk.me/v616220916/555f/gZx6n8ZgYBU.jpg is the domain included PHP.http://yourability.ru/try.php - the script text is displayed as and is displayed. What am I doing wrong, kindly explain it.

entry AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html .Your htaccess?

she was the cause of

Question: Thanks for the help! My line, until you tried to fix it myself.


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