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Question: You need to run the file, here`s an example address http://fpok.tk/game.php how to run it in the crown?Time put every minute,but nothing happens.How to specify the path?

Good evening.

you Need to specify the server path to the file  home/Fleurs/public_html/game.php

Question: can write what to write in the command box, that would work.And the fact that I do not understand
Question: /usr/bin/php home/Fleurs/public_html/game.RRA here wrote

! /usr/bin/php /home/danemark/public_html/game.php



answer the question
Have a cron job add the command
/usr/bin/php space Polnymi > /dev/null 2>&1

/usr/bin/php5 space Polnymi.php> /dev/null 2>&1
, putting in the minute 0, hour 24, and in the remaining fields, leave the asterisk.


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