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Question: please show an example of writing a cron script.php - my script user-felix10



Help to configure cron jobs. I want to file http://domen.ru/1.php run every day at 24:00
answer the question

Need cron jobs to append
/usr/bin/php space Polnymi > /dev/null 2>&1
/usr/bin/php5 gap Polnymi.php> /dev/null 2>&1
, specifying 0 minutes, 24 hours, and in the remaining fields, leave the asterisk.

or wget -O - -q -t 1 http://yourdomain.com/cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1
the key \"O\" indicates output to the console (instead of saving to a file), \"-q\" makes it \"silently\" (without displaying), and \"-t 1\" specifies to only make one connection attempt

Question: /usr/bin/ and to write to cron

cron job is created in spanel, you need to set the path to interpretatory PHP /usr/bin/php for php files.


the line /usr/bin/php space Polnymi > /dev/null 2>&1

Question: what is my full path and the slash right after probleme could you clearly write exactly the script amm.market-zona.ru/blogpost.phpРё crowns still need to manually enter or copy/pastt

in what folder is the file?

Question: amm/blogpost.rruaiobm he works at the address amm.market-zona.ru/blogpost.php I just don`t know how you have distributed folders of the subdomains and the primary domain primary domain market-zona.Gia is the script on the subdomain amm.market-zona.ru/blogpost.php


What is the file path and how to recognize it
answer the question

the file Path specifies its location on the server.
the file Path consists of the path to the root directory to accanto and ways of votecount.
the path to the account You can find in the control panel it will be /home/User (where User is your account name)
Next, see the path to the file relative to your account if the file is in the root of the account, then the path will be
/home/User/filename.file (where User name of your account)
if it is in the public_html directory then the path will be
/home/User/ public_html/name.file (where User name of your account)

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