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Question: Hello!I do not understand how it happened, I have deleted 2 files from the hosting themselves. We are talking about domain studak.ohgkak could this happen? If I do not hack, like that could clean these files some antivirus, because there one was uploading through iframe, flash games, and the second was index.rrct can say about it and how you can avoid future? Can you ask not to do kickbacks without my knowledge, ATO I think I have some files from this domain and the database returned the old one. Although some mystery, you know, hardly it is possible. What do you say? Files I thanks to the database of the amendments back.
Question: I remember you a couple of evenings lying hosting, this could zaglyuchit? You already fixed it?
Question: by the way, this is not an April fool`s joke unfortunately.

Hello. we \"lay\" the hosting, the problem was with the network in a data center, it is nothing to do with files can not have vooobsche.

No \"kickbacks\"  especially without your knowledge is unacceptable in principle.


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