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Question: http://igor4567.testbw.erahost.ru - ERROR ON DATABASE ! Hooked up everything correctly - resolve the conflict on your host.And describe the reasons as intended you have to buy hosting!

Hello. please Bring those settings that You in Your opinion think is right.

Question: Please check back again soon.`; public $display_offline_message = `1`; public $offline_image argument = \"; public $sitename = `opt-telecom`; public $editor = `tinymce`; public $captcha = `0`; public $list_limit = `20`; public $access = `1`; public $debug = `0`; public $debug_lang = `0`; public $dbtype = `mysqli`; public $host = `localhost`; public $user = `igor4567_root`; public $password = `456727`; public $db = `igor4567_opt-telecom`; public $dbprefix = `rl57j_`; public $live_site = \"; public $secret = `fPLfITAFy7woGyfw`; public $gzip = `0`; public $error_reporting = `default`; public $will = `http://help.joomla.org/proxy/index.php?option=com_help&keyref=Help{major}{minor}:{keyref}`; public $ftp_host = \"; public $ftp_port = \"; public $ftp_user = `admin`; public $ftp_pass = `456727`; public $ftp_root = \"; public $ftp_enable = `0`; public $offset = `UTC`; public $mailonline = `1`; public $mailer = `mail`; public $mailfrom field = `[email protected]`; public $fromname = `opt-telecom`; public $sendmail = `/usr/sbin/sendmail`; public $smtpauth = `0`; public $smtpuser = \"; public $smtppass = \"; public $smtphost = `localhost`; public $smtpsecure = `none`; public $smtpport = `25`; public $caching = `0`; public $cache_handler = `file`; public $cachetime = `15`; public $MetaDesc = \"; public $MetaKeys = \"; public $MetaTitle = `1`; public $MetaAuthor = `1`; public $MetaVersion = `0`; public $robots = \"; public $sef = `1`; public $sef_rewrite = `0`; public $sef_suffix = `0`; public $unicodeslugs = `1`; public $feed_limit = `10`; public $log_path = `U:\\\\home\\\\localhost\\\\www\\\\opt-telecom/logs`; public $tmp_path = `U:\\\\home\\\\localhost\\\\www\\\\opt-telecom/tmp`; public $lifetime = `15`; public $session_handler = `database`; public $MetaRights = \"; public $sitename_pagetitles = `0`; public $force_ssl = `0`; public $frontediting = `1`; public $feed_email = `author`; public $cookie_domain = \"; public $cookie_path = \"; public $asset_id = `1`;}

don`t forget that you need to give rights to user to work with database. in particular, the user igor4567_root you created, not the slightest relationship to any base does not have. you didn`t add him right. do it in the same menu to Add user to the database


where did you get the path $tmp_path = `U:\\\\home\\\\localhost\\\\www\\\\opt-telecom/tmp`;  ? he malesevo our hosting has no


Question: works locally, on the hosting error Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error: No database selected different - something with sesiyami (googled - write reshaetsya TechPod.)
Question: OK I will try


 igor4567_root the user you created, not the slightest relationship to any base does not have. the You didn`t add him right. do it in the same menu Add user to the database 

http://ded07.net/ help on how to use the panel 





U:\\\\home\\\\localhost\\\\www\\\\opt-telecom/tmp` this is your local path, for hosting, they have no relationship

change them on the way hosting


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