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<< Previous       Increase the maximum size of uploaded files

Question: Good day! You want to ask to increase the limit on file upload size to 50 MB. With respect, Nikolai.

Hello. such a limit we have is

Question: Just the fact that I`m trying to put a limit of 50 MB forces of the CMS, but I see the message that the current settings of the PHP installed on the server limit is 8 MB. The cache site was cleaned, does not help.

you have in the site settings there are no limits?

Question: From the read understood that it is necessary to correct php file.ini:to make changes in the following terms:; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.post_max_size = 8M ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.upload_max_filesize = 40МПодскажите, please, how can I find this file?

upload_max_filesize we have 50 MB

Question: and post_max_size?

as indicated above - 8M

Question: May be I have because of this problem. Is it possible to change this setting?

change to what? 50 MB?

Question: Yes, 50 MB. I may not understand correctly, but this option, as I understand it, specifies the maximum size of simultaneously transmitted data to the server.

Yes, exactly. so your script does not use the boot methods

Question: So you can change the setting? It`s just a standard kupalovski boot files. I hardly get a chance to rewrite.

we have changed

Question: OK, thank you!


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