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Question: the site does not work out error 500)what to do? help)

please Check the rights for folders and files.
Rights should only be 644 for files, 755 for folders. Permissions 777 prohibited and do not require
In the file .htaccess should not be of type php settings php_value, php_flag. php is running as cgi and the parameters entered in the php files.ini .
Error You can see in the control panel, the error Log

Question: php_flag display_errors on error_reporting offphp_value 2047deny from IPRewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.2x-pro.wm-scripts.ruRewriteRule (.*) http://2x-pro.wm-scripts.ru/$1 [R=301,L]an ErrorDocument 401 /401.phpErrorDocument 403 http://2x-pro.wm-scripts.ru/403.phpErrorDocument 404 http://2x-pro.wm-scripts.ru/404.phpErrorDocument 500 http://2x-pro.wm-scripts.ru/500.phpAddHandler server-parsed .shtmlDirectoryIndex index.phpAddDefaultCharset windows-1251---------------------------here is the file .htaccessЧто is wrong?

php_flag display_errors off php_value error_reporting 2047 here etol sun nepravilno. remove all php_flag display_errors off php_value error_reporting 2047

Question: removed but still not working)Right on the folder set to 755 on the files 644значит not the problem)can look at the files of my website?)

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded07.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600](c) Corporation Microsoft (Microsoft Corp.), 2009. All rights reserved.C:\\Users\\admin>tracert moneybirds.tkТрассировка route to moneybirds.tk [IP]with the maximum number of jumps 30: 1 * * * timed out for the request. 2 * * * timed out for the request. 3 194 ms 200 ms 196 ms IP 4 1260 ms 234 ms 201 ms nss-nnov.nnov.dr1.vt.ru [IP] 5 289 ms 196 ms 202 ms ae40.300.nnov.dr1.vt.ru [IP] 6 273 ms 198 ms 197 ms ae0.nnov.igw1.vt.ru [IP] 7 * * * timed out for the request. 8 296 ms 299 ms 317 ms IP 9 867 ms 239 ms 239 ms s-b3-link.telia.net [IP] 10 281 ms 239 ms 298 ms xe-0-3-0.vie20.ip4.gtt.net [IP] 11 256 ms 257 ms 257 ms hbg-bb4-link.telia.net [IP] 12 292 ms 298 ms 280 ms win-bb2-link.telia.net [IP] 13 280 ms 276 ms 280 ms bpt-b4-link.telia.net [IP] 14 299 ms 298 ms 322 ms pantel-ic-151985-bpt-b4.c.telia.net [] 15 298 ms 322 ms 370 ms IP 16 286 ms 279 ms 276 ms IP 17 307 ms 314 ms 293 ms hostven03.com [IP]Trace complete.C:\\Users\\admin>

not all removed. why you uploaded the same .htaccess in the root account. there are settings too. we have deleted this extra file


Question: Error! Access denied is now why?

this is the message of your website. not the server.

Question: and the site is fully configured right?

what are the settings required by Your site? 

the domain is running php as,



Question: Error! Access zapreshhennaja to do it?I can`t find where it is

your website what it wants to connect. what? you know?

Question: you can check my website?there are no symbols at registration and for some reason I can`t log in to the account

what  to check? what about the characters of the registration in question? as you enter the account?

Question: here on my site and they left the label to sign in,enter your not part of,a registration no icons

that is used to display simbolo pictures? where it comes from?

Question: I do not know!you host you should all know!I`m just starting in this


to know everything about the script the script developer. we do not razrabotchiki. let us know what you have the script and its requirements to the server. where did you get it? is he even working?


Question: script farm,and I don`t know

please tell me, why you blew your account? why  you have deleted the system folder of the account? where all the folders in the root share? why did you touch them!!!????

you have brought accounts in complete failure. to restore the account it needs to be recompiled. when peresozdanie all your files and database will disappear. will notify you when you can recreate the account is corrupted You!

Question: can right now!if you can do it properly!thanks in advance

just the system folder is created when you activate your account. and you why it was removed. please never delete any of the folders above public_html, so you will do harm to your account

Question: well!I just didn`t know,sorry


just the system folder is created when you activate your account. and you why it was removed. please never delete any of the folders above public_html, so you will do harm to your account.

Question: how do you write well?I`ll be waiting

account is recreated. you can upload files. Segregate only files in public_html folder

Question: all of the files?and the engine itself all you need?

your site folder - public-html, sebacate website  it

Question: Hello,you can see why my site is not showing the reserve and wyplaty?here is the website http://moneybirds.tk/

Hello. as we mojamuto to do? on the website we see  0, and where are the figures to display?

Question: from the site payeer.com

the website payeer.com does not work with our hosting. you need to contact tech support of the website and find out the reason.

Question: thank you

how to find out the reason  coolste

Question: well


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