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Question: good afternoon to the domain, enable fastcgi
Question: Well, you enable this feature like on the screenshot? http://floomby.ru/s2/qWfHzP


Expect a please, a request is sent to the administrator.

Question: So long turn it on 5 seconds?So, enable on the server FastCGIСпособ 1 (Using ISP Manager)Left menu, select ISP Manager \"Opportunities\" in the Chapter \"server Settings\". This should open a list of installed and ready-to-install modules and various components. Among these components, find the \"FastCGI Module for the Apache web server\". Next, click the \"Install\" at the end of installation click On, if it did not happen automatically. Restart the server and ready.

the Module is connected and displayed you in the ISP-panel: < / span>cgi-fcgi.so

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