Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello, whether the mod_rewrite module?

Hello. Of course connected. Please first describe the problem fully and in detail, citing specific data.

Question: Wanted to stick together www.inepl.com with inepl.com(for this it was necessary to make changes to the file .htaccess with mod_rewrite module connected), but then found that www.inepl.com do not display? question: why can`t I see the domain for this address?

By default, it worked. The fact that it does not appear that the result of your changes. The question of what, exactly, did you mnali. Step by step please

Question: added in .htaccess three строчкиRewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\\ /index\\.php\\ HTTP/RewriteRule ^index\\.php$ http://inepl.com/ [R=301,L]

what else did you do? it could not affect.

Question: initially, I did not check whether the domain www.inepl.com so I don`t even know when it happened. Maybe when you create the subdomain?

www.inepl.com works

check out

Question: Thank you, what was the problem? this is done through the ISP-manager?

it was solved by recreating the www domain

attention! if you delete the www domain when negligence a high probability of loss of files. before you remove the www domain always make a copy of the file

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