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Question: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at X:homelocalhostwwwphpbloguserheader.html:6) in X:homelocalhostwwwphpbloguserblocksglobal.inc.php on line 110Оказывается in php.ini Directive output_buffering put to \"On\" (default is Off), see php.ini. And succeed! To work you need to restart Your server.

Hello. why did you decide that you need to restart the server? this error tells a different story . you edited the site files? something changed on it? and exactly where on your website this error?

Question: http://www.ecatelena-plast.com.mdможно come up with something that the mail went to the website and it was not spam

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