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Question: http://www.ecatelena-plast.com.md/CALC30/1/phpinfo.php - open_basedir no value no value______________________________________________you need to set the path типаopen_basedir /home/:/var/www/html/:/tmp:/etc/virtual________________________________________________
Answer: The request is sent to the administrator.

open_basedir  is not included, it is not required. you have no neighbors on the hosting. this feature is included for security in the normal host

Question: check out what your value is responsible for the POST method______________________http://www.vefasistem.md/phpinfo.rRNA this hosting works to send mail________________________http://www.ecatelena-plast.com.md/CALC30/1/phpinfo.rrta same form but sending a letter is not going away
Question: check out what your value is responsible for the POST method______________________http://www.vefasistem.md/phpinfo.rRNA this hosting works to send mail________________________http://www.ecatelena-plast.com.md/CALC30/1/phpinfo.rrta same form but sending a letter is not going away

mail was disabled for spam, did you forget? and please write from the account belongs to the site. account coblov? sign out coblov2

Question: THANK you


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