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Question: Hello!I set up a chess club at the address http://chess.compboard.org/. Part of the script is still working, but they must be configured in the server. Could you launch chess engine phalanx-XXIII https://www.dropbox.com/s/p7ejzkxs380lhio/phalanx-XXIII-beta.tgz?dl=0 and tell me the way to the engines.Regards,Elvin


please Wait, the request is sent to the administrator.



Hello. What kind of work is it? what`s he like?


Question: Down here I Copied the part from installation:Robots Setup============If you have admin rights on your web server, it should not be too complicated for you to install phalanx chess engines. Once they are installed, update your local_settings.php file to set the path to the executables. Once these paths are set, the robots will play instantly.Then you must install the chess_robot.py somewhere like /usr/local/binTo make a robot play its turn, the program can be invoked like this:/usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/chess_robot.py Example:/usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/chess_robot.py http://www.mysite.com/mcc/ robotuser mypass gnuchess 4This will connect on the server located at the url http://www.mysite.com/mcc/ as the user `robotuser` using the password `mypass`. Then it will use gnuchess with depth 4 to decide moves.Download chess_robot.py:https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mkgichessclub/code/ChessRobot/chess_robot.pyDownload Phalanx Chess Engines:http://sourceforge.net/projects/phalanx/files/Version%20XXIII%20Beta/phalanx-XXIII-beta.tgz/download=============so-with my dear.


this script is not designed to run on shared server hosting.

just for the vps http://www.erahost.ru/vpsline.php


Question: Clear. Thank you.


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