Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: ya sozdat novi mail accunt osibka : File open for /home/israfly/etc/israfly.az/passwd failed with error No such file or directory


Hello. Please  why you deleted the system folder on the account? for some prichny You have deleted the folder above public_html?


why did you delete the folder etc/ ?


the problem is solved by recreating the account. save what you need on the website and soobshaet when we can recreate it. and in any case never touch the system folder


Question: they buckup?
Question: mi ne udalit v paki sistemni

have deleted the etc folder has been deleted.

You can recreate account?

Question: http://IP:2082/cpsess7425856623/frontend/x3/filemanager/index.html?dirselect=webroot&domainselect=israflybaku.com&dir=%2Fhome%2Fisrafly%2Fpublic_html&saveoption=1

ask what is it?

Question: mi mojem eto obratna vernut na mesec?????

miyozen just persondate you an account and you`ll upload your files. to recreate?

Question: vasi posledniye arxivniye fayli v kakom mesecce???

today was done BCAP. all the data for today

Question: na mesec prosliy bkap est uvast? no tolko ne sevodnesneyIso na eto kak mojet eto sto slukico udolilos. Eto ne otnas

could only remove You , possibly by accident, no one except You access your account had


create a mailbox now

Question: Sposibo bolsoye. Ya xotel sprosit kto uvas uvas est arxivniye fayli? no tolko ne sevodnisniy

we have a backup file every week on the weekend. backup one copy. but you can do a backup in the control panel in menu  - backup - full backup

Question: toqda vi ustonovite mailserver.

what is the mailserver is it?

Question: vi mojete ispravit tam ktobi mi smoqli otkrit meil

create Pochtovy box in the panel menu - email accounts

Question: sps balwoy


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