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Question: Good night.Something the site does not work. Can know the reasons?Thank you

Hello. what kind of website You have not working ?&the website totali3atop.ru precense works

Question: Hello.well, Yes, but it`s 8 in the MORNING... and when I wrote, it didn`t work for hours... I was working at THIS time.

what exactly is expressed is the problem?

Question: The problem was - getting the website in the browser, and it doesn`t open. a fully white screen. As if open, but can not open and after about 10 minutes appears, type the time-out, and there is something, perhaps, with the server

please you repeat the problem described in more detail with privedenie text errors.

Your website has external connections? if so then they could create a problem

Question: what is the external connection? Do not quite understand. Error number was not, as I said. It just said that timed out and to contact the administrator.

external connections is if your site takes information from third party servers. if they are unavailable the website loading time is greatly increased which can lead to error


 you have on the website there is a link to http://top.gde.ru/isapi/tracker.dll?T?68414&3

but this address does not work and a lot of links to Your website


please understand and optimize the ego

Question: Well, I only have banners on the website, like when you had problems with the sites on which the banners, just didn`t have the banner, but there were no problems. I didn`t notice anyway. The site connected store, connected to Qiwi, WebMoney and PayPal... Customers expose themselves account... could that be the problem?

the site loads exactly as much as it load all the ego items

here is the link http://openstat.net/cnt?cid=2214229&p=7&pg=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.totali3atop.ru%2F&pfs=1809&pdls=1810&pdle=1985&pcs=1985&pce=2156&prqs=2156&prss=2330&prse=2672&pdl=2331&pdi=3732&pdcs=3732&pdce=3858&pdc=43568&ples=43568&plee=43571&rn=0.5269352647010237 You have loaded, 45 seconds.

while all of the content from our server managed to load in 3-4 seconds, else pull Your external links

Question: honestly, I don`t really understand about links, specifically the first, is the button, I`ll dress, of course, but the rest of that pale blue you have noted... I find not a smog, it`s a long time... to Optimize the site, I certainly opimizer... But still, in my opinion, it`s not all of it. It worked and with all this still...Although I`m not an expert, I will not argue.Thanks for the chat

if you have questions , always contact

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