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Question: Hello, when viewing the indexed pages of your site (aulo.ru) Yandex found indexed pages \"ghosts\". Here is the link http://yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aulo.ru&clid=9403&lr=10716&site=aulo.ru&rnd=87332Все these left pages were available over https, indexed 9-11 March this year, at the moment they are not available where they could take if I didn`t uploaded to the server, most likely had (or still has) some access to the site. Filled possible a backdoor or some sort of malware. How do you test?


please Wait, the request is sent to the administrator.



Hello. you have a dedicated ip, how could they be available over https if you have https?


Question: But then it happened the same, then the Yandex got them?

we tested these files on the site You have

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