Possible solutions of your questions


Question: Good Night!!! I beg forgiveness, but I have a problem!Tonight, everything was fine. On the hosting were all the files of my website, and the website address worldmodding.ru successfully worked.Now upon entering it I found the COMPLETE absence of files on the server!! There are only 2 ottomana!The database remained in place. E-mail accounts are gone, too!!I`m sorry, is it possible it is possible to view the logs and find out what happened? Maybe I foolishly did something?(( THANK you!!

Hello. you for some reason have deleted not only files but also system files. specify what you were doing

Question: hmm. Looked at all possible variations of their actions. Don`t understand how I could delete files. But still the system.. And now I don`t understand what`s going on( On the server there are a lot of folders not clear to me origin. While they are not files, but, however, I have a busy 289.67 MB of disk space. I have a backup copy of your website. Can I delete folders from the server to install my backup? Thank you!!

what folders the origin of which is unclear to You? . at the root of the account are system folders, they must not be removed.  nikkiee folder above the public_html cannot be removed!!!

you can only delete it . what do You have in public_html/  in the same folder to upload files to Your site

Question: Yes, I know that. Thank you, sorry was not clear with the system files..

can You recreate the account from scratch? that would have been clean, and are guaranteed all the system folders are in place. all current information, files and database, will be deleted


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