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Question: Colleagues, good afternoon!Tell me how it is problematic to increase the time way the database using phpMyAdmin? I have the backup file DB to 20 megs can not pass...And maybe that operation very low power server?(other hosts, for example the it-patrol, and evrobit, etc,. import this database file works faster than you!


we SPMI install You database scacchia distribution to his account.

Question: Sami - it`s good!What I will do in the future? If I need to place another website, two, ten?Pumped into cornevin account /logs to this base it is necessary to Importnat in the one that created the account without changing anything because I`ve already changed setting
Question: If the import is successful, here: http://tabak-kazan.ru/ must be the same as here: http://pipe.u2627.sparta.vps-private.net/

let the database name and the name of the dump file

Question: u2627_tabak.sql.gzбаза you: tabak

this database is not empty. import you can only do in an empty database

Question: :(kidding me?I wrote above that tried to import, and you because of malonamidase processing of decompressing the dump file and it is a glitch.now clean... (well you give a pancake)

clean database and we will do the import

Question: Database is empty!

the translation

Question: ie you want to say it from my side jamb and I did not exportalas completely? here 125 vs 158 tables in the original database?

we have completed the import from Your dump. error when importing a fiction. what is your original database is not known to us. if You need to do another import please inform us, we can help.

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