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Question: Welcome. At working off the same script there is a different time testing of \"page loads\" is most often on first entry on page (on the shortcut in the bookmark or external link above) but not always, after you stop and walk through internal links, everything seems OK and fast, need to be distracted for a moment and again try to navigate an internal sslca - very long runs, but do not always, in General patterns, there is absolutely no. a large complicated script involving mysql, but to find the problem in it don`t see the point, because the same script should always work equally. The difference in half a second - second - 2 seconds. too constantly, but it more or less, but more than 10-15 seconds to wait for downloading, no one will. What could be wrong? In the server load? I suspect that need will be highlighted, but I`m faster on the clicks from the context will go bankrupt than will have time to test the site and access is selected, then the clicks are counted, and the page is not loaded

Zdravstvuite what kind of script are we talking about?

Question: php

You can lead the path to the file and link as you check?

Question: on any page http://www.lemon.dealersair.com/ at the bottom \"the script\" all is in the folder lemon for my account, I can`t cite a single piece, depending on Urla connect certain files and pieces of code. You mean that the problem is in the code? the programmer says that everything is normal

what does it do? when it runs?

Question: depending on the url pulls from the database the desired old builds page, and gives the browser. entry point index.php php runs top to bottom$start = microtime(true);/*note the start time of processing*/error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ini_set(`display_errors`, 1);session_start();require_once(`router.php`);require_once(`functions/general.php`);require_once(`functions/`.$route.`.php`);require_once($route.`.php`);$time = microtime(true) - $start;/*mark the end time and consider the difference*/printf(`Script %.4F seconds.`, $time);I don`t understand why the first approach for a long time, if you just go for internal links is fine if for a moment forget that the long transition again. as if kesakuussa something one minute, and the cache is cleared, although both can be cached, if the conditions with a link change the content accordingly, it is possible to cache the page constantly unchanged. even if the cache where you can see the setting in the panel, the time a cache or something similar, let once and caches for a long time and not 1 minute

on the server there is no caching, but to integrate the caching mechanism in your script would be worth

Question: well thank you


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