Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: very slow website speed http://bilasad.com/Кеширование sdelaetsya CPU Usage is 92 / 100% What else can be done?

Hello. on what engine Your website?

Question: Magento ver. IP

You have the CPU Usage     100 / 100 %

kaki changes you have done on the website lately? The engine pretty hard.  we have one clients magento leases we have a physical server. what have you changed?

Question: For the last three days no major change was carried out. Only the addition of products. I see that the server is overloaded, but the cause can not specify. Today, even while doing nothing.

try to clear the cache of the site, proveriat the same modules and plugins. specify whether strongly increased base. You can also optimize the database in phpmyadmin.

Question: to optimize the database in phpmyadmin/ - how to do it?

select the database, webaite table, and click there, you to optimize.

if you have cache, clear the ego.

it is also possible to have malicious code on site.  here`s an example how with opencart http://texnoera.com/internet/webmasteram/udalyaem-virus-na-opencart.html

antivirus this problem finds

Question: Database optimized:the SQL query has been executed successfully:OPTIMIZE TABLE `mage_adminnotification_inbox`, `mage_admin_assert`, `mage_admin_role`, `mage_admin_rule`, `mage_admin_user`, `mage_api2_acl_attribute`, `mage_api2_acl_role`, `mage_api2_acl_rule`, `mage_api2_acl_user`, `mage_api_assert`, `mage_api_role`, `mage_api_rule`, `mage_api_session`, `mage_api_user`, `mage_captcha_log`, `mage_catalogindex_aggregation`, `mage_catalogindex_aggregation_tag`, `mage_catalogindex_aggregation_to_tag`, `mage_catalogindex_eav`, `mage_catalogindex_minimal_price`, `mage_catalogindex_price`, `mage_cataloginventory_stock`, `mage_cataloginventory_stock_item`, `mage_cataloginventory_stock_status`, `mage_cataloginventory_stock_status_idx`, `mage_cataloginventory_stock_status_tmp`, `mage_catalogrule`, `mage_catalogrule_affected_product`, `mage_catalogrule_customer_group`, `mage_catalogrule_group_website`, `mage_catalogrule_product`, `mage_catalogrule_product_price`, `mage_catalogrule_website`, `mage_catalogsearch_fulltext`, `mage_catalogsearch_query`, `mage_catal[...]OPTIMIZE TABLE `mage_adminnotification_inbox`, `mage_admin_assert`, `mage_admin_role`, `mage_admin_rule`, `mage_admin_user`, `mage_api2_acl_attribute`, `mage_api2_acl_role`, `mage_api2_acl_rule`, `mage_api2_acl_user`, `mage_api_assert`, `mage_api_role`, `mage_api_rule`, `mage_api_session`, `mage_api_user`, `mage_captcha_log`, `mage_catalogindex_aggregation`, `mage_catalogindex_aggregation_tag`, `mage_catalogindex_aggregation_to_tag`, `mage_catalogindex_eav`, `mage_catalogindex_minimal_price`, `mage_catalogindex_price`, `mage_cataloginventory_stock`, `mage_cataloginventory_stock_item`, `mage_cataloginventory_stock_status`, `mage_cataloginventory_stock_status_idx`, `mage_cataloginventory_stock_status_tmp`, `mage_catalogrule`, `mage_catalogrule_affected_product`, `mage_catalogrule_customer_group`, `mage_catalogrule_group_website`, `mage_catalogrule_product`, `mage_catalogrule_product_price`, `mage_catalogrule_website`, `mage_catalogsearch_fulltext`, `mage_catalogsearch_query`, `mage_catal[...]
Question: Cache repeatedly cleared.Index - obnovilsya I don`t know where to look. In the description of goods it is not, the label and the reviews checked out. Where else to look?

Expect the amps. Your issue is being dealt with.


try temporarily to change the subject and want to disable some modules, especially module social networking

Question: Good day! still poor speed of the website http://bilasad.com/Использование CPU 92 / 100 %Believe that to change the situation will help transfer the site http://bilasad.com.ua/ and its database on separate hosting. Probably two of the site can`t pull one host. You need to arrange for transfer?

we can offer You VPS

Question: One of the reasons for transferring it to the air force is the need to create Multiple Stores on one engine.All settings in the admin panel is produced.Can I test the server with the minimum rate that would make the appropriate settings the BBC\"to Configure server variables MAGE_RUN_CODE and MAGE_RUN_TYPE.You can configure these server variables in the settings of the web server.For example, for the Apache web server, you can configure these server variables in the VirtualHost Directive.For example, you can write inside the tag VirtualHost:SetEnv MAGE_RUN_CODE \"example.ru\"SetEnv MAGE_RUN_TYPE \"website\"In this case, the value of the variable MAGE_RUN_CODE therefore corresponds to the site code that you yourself set in the administration part of Magento.If your PHP interpreter works as a module for the Apache web server, you can also define MAGE_RUN_CODE and MAGE_RUN_TYPE variables in the file .htaccess.For example:RewriteCond%{HTTP_HOST}^(.*)example.ruRewriteRule^-[E=MAGE_RUN_CODE:example.ru]or:SetEnvIfHost.*example.* MAGE_RUN_CODE=exampleSetEnvIfHost.*example.* MAGE_RUN_TYPE=website will You be Able to make similar settings on the BBC to run the sites?If so, it will be exactly what you need.If that doesn`t work, I`ll look for an alternative that would site worked fine and their were some, and at least cost.

customization of the vps server is much higher. please give a link to an more detailed instructions on Your instruction taken out of context and not understand what is it for

Question: of course, here are a few links on this topic:http://tagesjump.EN/blog/3/post/magento-80http://magento-forum.ru/topic/339/ - from this source took контекстhttp://habrahabr.ru/post/91611/http://www.templatemonster.com/help/ru/magento-how-to-set-up-and-manage-multiple-stores.html
Question: For settings You will need data:Engine: Magento ver. IPСайты:bilasad.com (Code: base)bilasad.ru (Code: ros)bilasad.com.ua (Code: ukr)Are the encodings are configured in the admin

Okay, we`ll give You VPS

Question: thank you

as You work, after separation of sites by account?

Question: Works without a glitch. I even think that quickly.Sure did the right thing.
Question: What about VPS server? It?

with the air force deals with our administrator, we`ll let You know, it`s in our best interests.

Question: well, thank you


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