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Question: Zdarvstvuyte on site at registration pointed out-on my test site(EMAIL) but it is not a letter what`s the matter?


you Have specified mail address: EMAIL

Question: Decided to create the website you have now for testing, check indicated that the domain create in you later when the site was created, created and e-mail on your website (here it is EMAIL), but the letters only go one way (EMAIL) to another email but not Vice versa.

You paid for the domain registration? You have registered your domain?


domain russkiy-na-100.ru does not exist. mail course, too.

domain russkiy-na-100.ru worked. ego should buy it.

Question: thanks, but then the question is: why when I go to cpanel and there in the mail, I type a message and send it to the recipient?

potamu that it sends to the server. the server exists, and the domain is not

Question: ie as soon as I pay it will work?

after the domain registration and everything connected with it will work

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