- Joomla - templates [427]
- architecture and real estate
- business sites [172]
- children`s [1]
- design [39]
- others [100]
- animals [6]
- e-commerce shops [48]
- kitchen [5]
- furniture [6]
- medicine [13]
- fashion [17]
- music [13]
- education [8]
- hotels [3]
- holidays [17]
- entertainments [34]
- religion [1]
- communication [39]
- sport [6]
- transport [25]
- tourism [22]
- hosting [59]
- flowers [11]
- electronics [69]
- jewellery [10]
Some advantages of templates:
Filling of the site by your content
If you have no time or opportunity to adapt a template under yourself - it doesn`t matter. Our experts will help to finish it for you to the necessary level.
We will fill a template with your text and graphic information and we will place it on the server.
Enters adaptation: placement of your information, navigation on the site, input of the name, a logo, slogan and, at last, its placement in the Internet. Also we can change design of a template under your requirements, deliver there a control bar content, set any software.
Adaptation of a template is carried out at additional fee which will depend on your requirements.
You can order adaptation just viacontacting us