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Question: Hello.Does not work the transition from the CPanel to the page with database management - phpMyAdmin ( Error - Internal Server Error500Cpanel::Exception::IO::UnlinkError/(XID 85283k) the System failed to unlink \"/var/cpanel/overquota/blocks_hrapian\" because an error occurred: Permission deniedThe system failed to unlink \"/var/cpanel/overquota/blocks_hrapian\" because of an error: Permission deniedМожете to see?


please Clear the cache of brauzera and reconnect to panel

Question: Not working. Deleted the cache, went to the bar with the other browser.

the problem is checked

Question: Well, waiting for a response.

please Check now.

Question: The database worked. Now please tell me why after you go to the website that is attached to the account, the message \"Account Suspended\" ?

please Clear the cache and reconnect brauser

Question: Yes, thank you.And last request, if possible. Can`t see uploaded files for the new site (public_html/ But the site is not working, it says downloading file and uploads index.php despite the fact that at the same hosting, where the website just threw works. Can watch configuration?

please specify the folder.

Question: home/hrapian/public_html/

please Check now.

Question: Now the 500 error, but the problem is not the htaccess file

please Check the rights for folders and files.
Rights should only be 644 for files, 755 for folders. Permissions 777 prohibited and do not require
In the file .htaccess should not be of type php settings php_value, php_flag. php is running as cgi and make these customizations in the php files.ini .
Error You can see in the control panel, the error Log

Question: Eugene, thank you. It`s all good.


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