Solutions for your inquiries

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the Problem is checked. please wait

Question: What was the problem ?perhaps the server does not cope with the load or the error was and he fell?
Question: Second question: how the failure of today could affect the RCC? In Ukrnet stopped news :(

on the server was a big load. proverit mailing settings

Question: Cron works after the restoration of the site ?

Yes, it works. you have notice?

Question: See, they started upgrading dannymac \"on the server was a big burden.\"this is due to the large flow of people, DDoS, or failure of hardware ?

the Request is sent to the administrator. Expect.


we check the problem. we see a large number of visits by search engines. you set up robots.txt?

Question: Yes, of course.System folders, etc. are closed.

delay bypass set?

Question: What kind of delay you want to set, he didn`t fall from them ?

5 seconds

Question: Can you clarify how much was loaded to the server and some reports/graphs on this ?

now loading.

Question: I of the day when the site went down, which was the peak, average load, etc.

the Request is sent to the administrator.


we saw only the instantaneous value at the time of load, 100% CPU load

Question: Good evening! Fell website. Please help!!


Check amps. what kind of domain is it?

Question: about it

the Site works.

Try to fully refresh the page (ctrl+f5)

Question: I, unfortunately, can`t attach a screenshot of your screen but doesn`t work for me :( Restarted completely. And I see this text:Error! mysqli_connect()[2002] Connection refusedFILE: /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/main.phpLINE: 99MySQL Query Error: SELECT L.*, L. LID as ID, L. LID as SITE_ID, C. FORMAT_DATE, C. FORMAT_DATETIME, C. FORMAT_NAME, C. WEEK_START, C. CHARSET, C. DIRECTION FROM b_lang L, b_culture C WHERE C. ID=L. CULTURE_ID AND L. ACTIVE=`Y` ORDER BY LENGTH(L. DIR) DESC, L. DOMAIN_LIMITED DESC, L. SORT [[] ]DB query error.Please try later.

log on to the site with the WWW prefix, the site works.


log on to the site with the WWW prefix, the site works.

Question: no, it`s still not working. Asked people - do not have a website and I`m even in admin area I can not go

what address do you see oseibo?

your website works!/I1xOI/

Question: I go on its usual address - http://grushevskogo5.comСайт worked, everything was fine, now I have on the screen only the error and the text above I`ve lost :( I can`t go to the admin area, I see the website...

and we go and see the website

Question: I`m not a programmer, I can`t explain. The journalist worked, wrote news and the site crashed. I went to check - instead of a white page and this is now the text of The script encountered an error and will be aborted. To view extended error messages, enable this feature in .settings.php.Please help me to solve the problem :(

where you see white straintse? what`s the address? address what we do not see the white pages we widen website

what exactly you see the problem

Question: The investigation has come to a standstill :) I go on its usual адресуhttp://grushevskogo5.have Somali in admin area and I cannot open the site. I see just a white page with text about errors of some kind.
Answer: otkryvaetsja



Question: It`s still not open and looks like this -меня still confused by the loading time of 13 seconds. So something is still wrong?

you have a problem on the server, the problem is checked


UAS have backups in the cloud or on a dedicated server?

Question: I don`t know :( you Need to ask the programmers who did the site. What happened?!
Question: say there are hosting backups

on the server itself? the server is currently unavailable

Question: in the admin also have backups, but how to go there?

the problem is that the server is down now completely. file system error. did you do a backup to your provided place for kb ftp on the cloud bitrix?

Question: No, I did not. What is file system error server?When it be resolved??

the server restored

but You need to make a backup outside of the server

to your dedicated server offers  a place for backups with ftp access, but bitrix is not able to work with ftp

you need to purchase the plugin

and connect it to the server. Bitrix does not know how to make


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