Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello.Please provide me with a test VPS on period * of the day.


the purposes for which required server?

Question: For the program * that is a bot for Vkontakte.

only prepaid. pay, and You will be the server

Question: A test period for VPS * day is not available?

for your purposes is not available. you`ve already * again Bradi server for this and you testirovanie arranged. esldi it was not you that took the other as they are all arranged. so for your purposes only prepayment.

Question: And how do you know ustraivaet me your server?

then why do you constantly take them for a test?

Question: I have the first time take

inveniet but we can`t provide You a test server for Your task. after payment you will be given an immediate

Question: How do I know that it`s not cheating. I`d like a test disguised.

what will be testirovanie? in ibadete to promote your group? the raft will ask for another test server?

Question: Spin will not. * bot to spam messages. And to me it should be. Give one server on * day, after, I`ll probably prolong tobish buy.

ie you are using our servers run spam for the * day to the max and everything? What`s the test?

Question: testing is to check. And after you buy. Please give me a single dedicated server to test * day and I might buy

what will you do on the server? what exactly will be checked?

Question: Just download the application * (bot for spam messages Vkontakte) and put the program on the spam.

Adamites and say thank you, or anything , and after a couple of days then ask for a test, right? how much spam do You send out for * days? what is the amount? Your desire to save money is understandable, but we already had such spam over our account from our servers . You paid for the service of spam, and you do not want to override the hosting service. you  don`t testroete will, you will send commercial spam.

Question: Hotsplit the boat * day and if all goes well, buy. Testing to see if the bot works there.

works, already tested.  where did it not work?

Question: well let me check myself.
Question: And what is this service \"Test period * of the day\" if you don`t give these servers?

it is not intended for the free spam. you will play around, zarabotaet, and we make only make the ip of our server to the blacklist. for you, no responsibility. if your boat rebate on windows it will work on the server.


Question: I test and nothing earn. Just spam messages. And then in day I will pay for this dedicated server

what do you budeet checking of entire * day? you have not said what amount you will be sending spam during these three days

Question: I will test it and will not di it to fly. Say again, paid after * the day of the test

where should it fly? you run it and it works. can only provide a few hours of the test what you would have seen that the software will run

Question: It`s in my computer sometimes crashes. Here and wanted to check in day

for some prichny crashes?

Question: If I knew I would not buy a dedicated server i.e. VPS server

through chacoan time \"off\" ? a paid program?

Question: Differently. The program is free.

if the program is buggy then you will do the testing ?

Question: The program is not buggy, just sometimes crashes. So you will offer a trial period?

* no, I can only give to check the operation of the program launch.

Question: To start to start. But the program could crash at any moment, I`d like to see how many days would not fly. Let me only * days testigo period and if it is not so much to fly, I`ll buy you this server.

and the server do with it? it also crashes even on your computer.

Question: In the server **/* to work well or in my computer it crashes. It is difficult to give on the test server?

can give , but on condition that you will not send spam. Want  to verify, send the spam to yourself, to your vk contact.

a mandatory condition is the prohibition of password change for the period!. if you decide to abuse the service .the server is immediately turned off

Question: Well.

You agree that upon receipt of the server you will only spam to your contact? only under this condition can provide a test.

Question: I agree

OK, wait we will create a server and send You the access data

Question: Well

data DLTtape sent to your mail

Question: There I pointed to his mail

but whose?

Question: Just wrote, did not know that there will come the data from the server

just doesn`t work. the correct mailbox

Question: *.*

Contact Inbox changed, a letter with access data sent to Your Inbox.

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