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last night they took a shortcut WWW how to restore it |
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AY guys is who ???? at work |
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Hello. what and where have you gone? all over the place!!! /home/kanc]# ls-all total 228K drwx--x--x 31 kanc kanc 4.0 K Mar 14 01:59 . drwx--x--x. 1280 root root 36K Mar 14 12:31 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 kanc kanc 30 Mar 5 07:29 access-logs - > /usr/local/apache/domlogs/kanc drwx------ 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Feb 26 05:36 .autorespond -rw-r--r-- 1 kanc kanc 33 Apr 29 2011 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 kanc kanc 176 Apr 29 2011 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 kanc kanc 124 Apr 29 2011 .bashrc drwxrwx--x 5 kanc kanc 4.0 K Jan 1 16:39 .cagefs drwxr-xr-x 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Mar 5 07:29 .cl.selector -rw------- 1 kanc kanc 21 Feb 17 20:23 .contactemail drwxr-xr-x 3 kanc kanc 4.0 K Nov 9 2012 .cpaddons drwxr-xr-x 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Jun 4, 2011 .cpan drwx------ 6 kanc kanc 4.0 K Mar 14 00:13 .cpanel -rw-r----- 1 kanc kanc 1 Oct 12 17:44 cpbackup-exclude.conf drwx------ 3 kanc kanc 4.0 K Jun 4, 2011 .cpcpan drwxr-xr-x 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Mar 5 07:30 cpmove.psql drwxr-xr-x 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Nov 5 cpmove 2012.psql.1388474570 drwxr-xr-x 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Dec 31 11:21 cpmove.psql.1393990163 drwxr-x--- 4 kanc mail 4.0 K Feb 18 06:42 etc -rw-r--r-- 1 kanc kanc 92 Aug 31 2012 .filter drwxr-xr-x 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K May 11 2011 .fontconfig -rw------- 1 kanc kanc 15 Mar 6 02:21 .ftpquota -rw-r--r-- 1 kanc kanc 122 Apr 29 2011 .gemrc drwx------ 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Sep 8 2011 .gnome2 drwxr-x--- 2 kanc nobody 4.0 K Apr 29 2011 .htpasswds drwx------ 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Jun 4, 2011 .HttpRequest -rw------- 1 kanc kanc 13 Mar 13 22:47 .lastlogin drwx------ 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Mar 14 00:21 logs drwxr-x--x 17 kanc kanc 4.0 K Mar 5 07:29 mail drwx------ 3 kanc kanc 4.0 K Jun 4, 2011 .MirrorSearch drwxr-xr-x 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Jun 4, 2011 perl drwxr-xr-x 3 kanc kanc 4.0 K Nov 5 2012 public_ftp drwxr-x--- 18 kanc nobody 4.0 K Mar 14 02:09 public_html -rw-r--r-- 1 kanc kanc 33K Nov 5 2012 rcube_kanc_5HbRcIv0OY7n5xSh.1352115670 drwx--x--x 4 kanc kanc 4.0 K Jul 12 2013 .softaculous drwx------ 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Aug 31 2012 .spamassassin drwx------ 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K May 11 2011 .sqmailattach drwx------ 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Feb 26 04:58 .sqmaildata drwx------ 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K Feb 26 18:08 .ssh drwxr-xr-x 5 kanc kanc 4.0 K Feb 27 18:57 ssl drwxr-xr-x 9 kanc kanc 4.0 K Mar 14 00:13 tmp drwx------ 2 kanc kanc 4.0 K May 11 2011 .trash lrwxrwxrwx 1 kanc kanc 11 Mar 5 07:29 www -> public_html |
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where is the www directory here |
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c rights lrwxrwxrwx |
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red |
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Last line. |
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Eugene you know a site with errors but displayed yesterday stopped, except for changes in access rights, I did not make the more the www directory I metrogel I believe (because they do not have information about the logic and the structure of your server) that because of the lack of www just website not otobrazhaetsya I call the support for help... |
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well you can help me and restore the state of the farthest backup |
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well you can help me and restore the state of the farthest backup |
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Eugene??? |
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in what sense \"the absence of the www\" ? www is not missing. here , all present what changes were made on the website, after cahoon stopped working? and why are you so stubbornly insist that you don`t have www? where do you see that you no www ? |
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you downloaded the page that you have displayed ????I have 3 and very much a blank browser window |
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well you can help me and restore the state of the farthest backup |
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Eugene |
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we see the error, but what`s www? what changes did you do on the website, then there is a problem? when was the last time you saw a healthy your website |
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last night |
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the site was working |
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Eugene |
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What changes have you made? |
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Eugene answer me please I love you very prosune re-ask the questions to which I have already отвечал1. you can restore the state of the site yesterday or several days ago 2. I don`t remember what changes happened the disappearance of the website |
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Eugene |
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yesterday - no, the backups are checked for an earlier date. Very ploho that you do not remember what changes caused the problem, the issue would be resolved quickly. |
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Yesterday I only changed the permissions on the files and catalogid not propilparabena climbed earlier I could not update the database tovarova the import of goods through cms via csv, arguing that cms could not import pilot! approximately |
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somewhere about ten days ago I noticed that I got error on the engine but as I recall I have not made any changes in diastolic layout and database updates and pictures |
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what do You recommend how to get out of this situation |
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we check the backup |
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thank you waiting for answer |
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what engine in your site and what are the requirements? |
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simpla Requirements hostingmanager 5.2 MySQL 4.1 and above |
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click in the panel to select php versions, php 5.2 |
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about thank you`d been there what was if not a secret can with harsh criticism in my address |
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right now, one second |
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we have just copied the files from backup, more on the website nothing has been done |
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did |
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THANK you Ogromnoe to get my bisopropol osibisa update check |
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