Question: |
zdrastvuite, na moi sait est adinakovi problema, vot pasmatrite, batumiweb.comgoodhome.gemjm.geplace.batumiweb.comna eti saite main menu ne rabotaet. problema est za chto? vse tvoi sait na server |
Question: |
i isches netu, vse na saite adnavremenna isches |
Answer: |
Hello. did You do any changes? |
Question: |
net ia nichevo ne zdelal, prosta ia i seichas pasmatrel pasmatrel chto moi saiti na netu menu :) ia dumal eta maia problema vxod v administrator saita no , vso est kak nada, patom vtaroi sait atkril ia i ia tam toje videl takoije problema, ia ne ponial chtoo etaaa, patom ishio treti , vse saiti, na etat hostinge katori wordpress e est na vse bez main menu |
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a vot daje, wordpress saite na vse tak |
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mojet bit chtota virus est est chtoza problema ili ia ne ponial |
Answer: |
Question: | na etat ait? kak mojna eta virus udalit? |
Answer: |
Your sites highly contaminated, which caused incorrect work of sites, we can try to vosstanovit the site from a backup, or You need to clean and repair websites. |
Question: |
tolka`etat sait da? vastanavite pajaluista, |
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vi smojete skazaat atkuda mojna ia sam pasmotrit est virusi na saite ili net? |
Question: |
eta toje meniu paetamu? vse na sait? |
Answer: |
what kind of CMS You have built sites? |
Question: |
vse eti na wordpress |
Answer: |
in WP there is a new vulnerability, it is not yet clear exactly where. the updates have not yet come out for WP. Try to organize the work, we still can offer vosstanovit from a backup. |
Question: |
da vastanavite iz rezervnie kopii |
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i astalnie saiti toje narmalna budit da rabotat? eti menu netu na saite |
Answer: |
let`s try to restore the site < / span> and we`ll see |
Answer: |
backup running, wait for amp. |
Question: |
ladna, ia jdu |
Question: |
chto vi zdelali? ne vastanavali? |
Answer: |
restored |
Question: |
ladna jdu |
Answer: |
please Check now.
Question: |
daa spasiba, i atkuda eti tam virusii? |
Answer: |
what version of wordpress do you have? |
Question: |
paslednaia vse versia umenia na saite |
Answer: |
check again senite passwords and put the plugins protection |
Question: |
ladna |
Answer: |