Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       specify in the HTTP headers for date, and expiration date for static resources instructs

Question: Decided to test myself http://*.*/ .......one of the mistakes .... Use the browser cache Is configured in the control panel of the hosting ???If you specify in the HTTP headers for date, and expiration date for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.Explanation:Use the browser cache for the following resources: (https://*.google.*LeverageBrowserCaching*http://demontag.*.*.* (no expiration date) http://demontag.*.*.* (no expiration date) http://demontag.*.*images*.* (no expiration date) http://demontag.*.*images*.* (no expiration date) http://demontag.*.*images*.* (no expiration date) http://demontag.*.*.* (no expiration date) http://demontag.*.*.* (no expiration date) http://demontag.*.*.* (no expiration date)

Hello. where on your website you can see the error?



all items requiring caching or compression are not located on our hosting.

Question: (no specified term)... what they mean?here found , but did not understand :( https://*.*.*/****/*http*srok*/


all items requiring caching or compression are not located on our hosting

Question: https://*.google.*LeverageBrowserCaching*Rekomendaciebi your server for caching in the browser. The duration of storing static resources in the cache should be at least a week. External resources (ads, widgets, etc.) should be stored at least * a day. It is recommended to use the following settings for all cached resources: ..........you do not do it.... how critical is it for ranking ?



you mean like this???

Use the browser cache
If you specify in the HTTP headers for date, and expiration date for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.
Use the browser cache for the following resources:
https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/watch.js (** minutes)
http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js (* hour)


 no  mc.yandex.ru no  www.google-analytics.com are not located on our hosting. they hosting have nothing to do.


all hosting cached and compressed.  


Question: found the solution for DLE here http://*.*/***-*-*.html

Please carefully read the answers tekhpodderzhki


no mc.yandex.ru no www.google-analytics.com are not located on our hosting. they hosting have nothing to do.
all hosting cached and compressed.  

Question: weird I was looking for the solution again checked at http://*.*/ and these errors anymore.... thank you :)

calironia triggered after a second application to the page.

imat etoliko in mind that if you need something updated on the website, then to see the updates you have budeet to clean the browser cache. such are the disadvantages of caching.

if you have a website with dynamically changing content caching of dlaa You is unacceptable.

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