Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: doesn`t open

Hello. your website hacked and infected. The reason hacking - vulnerable version of the site. now we`ll scan Your website for viruses and give You a report



the report http://avtoritet**.EN/AI-BOLIT-REPORT-__-*****-**-**-****_**-**.html

to resolve the issue we recommend to contact the https://revisium.com/ru/order


the Description of your vulnerability https://revisium.com/ru/blog/joomla_rce_all_versions_affected.html

Vulnerabilities in scripts (*)


Question: Hello!Treatment and protection of my site will be made by experts of the company \"Revision\". Please block the site .* file using the Directive *. Your IP staff \"Revision\" prescribe for yourself. The website will be in the job for two days

Hello. we checked Your website and found a lot of empty files. . in became so half the files are empty. You need to replace the empty files on the original distribution in the same version of the site

Question: https://*.*******here is the last successful backup - unable to restore it ,because without etoggo treat \"Revision\" is not taken..

please Provide a direct link to the files or download the files to the hosting, we will restore from it.

Question: pumped /public_html*

site rebuilt

this report


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