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Question: Hello! Please help. Cannot connect to the server to upload files.Domain : *.*Tatiana


Your Inbox sent a letter with the settings, amps. check the data that You use to connect.

Question: All right. so I am entering. That`s what you get in response:Initialize *...Status: Connected with **.***.**.***:**...Status: Connection established, waiting for an invitation...Answer: *** * (*) *Rosinka: unable to connect to the server

What FTP client are You using?



limit the number of threads. you have exceeded the limit of simultaneous connections

 You need to limit the number of concurrent connections to *-* and set the passive mode..


Question: *What am I going to limit, if a random connection I * minute to upload a single file, and then the connection breaks off. Played for an hour, if not more. File ** can be pumped.

the connection should be passive. just easier zakachat one archive

Question: What can I do to establish a passive connection?

set in the settings of the ftp client passive mode

Click \"Connection\" --> FTP --> Note transfer Mode: Passive



Press the \"Transfer\" --> Specify items in the \"Maximum simultaneous transfers\", \"Limit number of simultaneous downloads\", \"Limit number of simultaneous downloads\" - *

Question: Yes, I already did, but it became better not.

try to use quick link in FilleZilla, i.e. the connection information, enter the from field in the header.

Host: **.***.**.***

username: tatjana

Password: Your password

the Port: **

Question: I also did several times. Without results.

Try to disable the firewall if You have it installed, antivirus and brendmauer, maybe they block **-th port.

Question: Made. No result.

how long have You  have appeared this problem?
If possible, test the FTP connection through another provider, do it, because sometimes, blokirovka comes from the provider. 

Question: The problem appeared **.**.

Error Response: *** Too many connections (*) from this IP means that you have exceeded the limit podkluchenie. install a limit on the threads and carefully check that there was only passive mode

Question: I don`t know how I could exceed some limit, if I for three hours uploaded about ** files. The passive mode is set, the limit * of the connection. This problem can not be.

error Response: *** Too many connections (*) from this IP says that you had a larger limit.

we also recommend to disable in the settings of the tls connection

Question: You know now came from work, checked, everything works fine, although I didn`t do anything. I really hope that won`t happen again this problem. Tatiana.


Question: How to do it? How to disable *?

if everything works then do not disable anything.

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