Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good day!Please help to start an additional domain on my hosting.The name of the domain *.* Thank you!


*. add as an additional domain in the control panel
*. website Files upload to the directory specified when you create the domain
http://ded**.net/ help on how to use the panel 



you have not added the domain in the panel.

your domain has been added

Question: I had not added. Thank You!


Question: Eugene, please tell me what further my actions?

now upload the website to a folder of the domain

Question: Eugene, please, tell me more please, what you need to specify the FTP to download? Which way to register?

the access data are the same as for the primary domain. the download folder is in the folder publi_html folder sk-pek.ru

Question: Eugene, thank you very much! it`s all good! one question: how soon an Internet site will work?

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm


you need few easy hours to update the DNS

Question: Eugene, all right I got?Microsoft Windows [Version *.*.****](c) Corporation Microsoft (Microsoft Corporation), ****. All rights reserved.C:\\Users\\Catherine>www.sk-pek.ru\"www.sk-pek.ru\" not an internal or unessacary, operable program or batch file.C:\\Users\\Catherine>

no  not specified < / span>tracert in the beginning.

Question: Microsoft Windows [Version *.*.****](c) Corporation Microsoft (Microsoft Corporation), ****. All rights reserved.C:\\Users\\Catherine>www.sk-pek.ru\"www.sk-pek.ru\" not an internal or unessacary, operable program or batch file.C:\\Users\\Catherine>*.*.*
Question: Eugene, in this black window appears \"unable to resolve target system name *.*.*\"

Run the command < / span>tracert sk-pek.ru

Question: Eugene, here`s what happened after one press Enter:Microsoft Windows [Version *.*.****](c) Corporation Microsoft (Microsoft Corporation), ****. All rights reserved.C:\\Users\\Catherine>*.*after the second button * returns \"unable to resolve target system name *.*\"

Wait for the DNS updates.

Question: Well! thank You very much for your professional approach and attention!


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