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Question: Good afternoon. I registered the domain on Friday, in day ago, prescribed NS **.hostven**.**.hostven**.*, but I don`t see the domain in the list available when I want to install wp. Help to understand this message in the pane wherei I reg-l domain. *********\"Failed to change * domain not configured on the name server **.hostven**.*. Before you can change the name servers for the domain server **.hostven**.* should know about Your domain. Contact your server administrator **.hostven**.*, so he prescribed by Your domain on your server.If You want to change * without checking their settings, please check the box \"do Not check the domain on the specified *\".*****

Hello. What kind of domain is it?

Question: Hello. - *.*.*
Question: in * there , I`m in a hurry?)

you do not have this domain on the server

*. add as an additional domain in the control panel
*. Change the DNS on the Registrar`s site
*. Website files upload to the directory specified when you create the domain
http://ded**.net/ aid for use panel


Question: Thanks, forgot about the secondary domain, the issue has been resolved.


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