Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       The site does not work

Question: Reinstall the system. I go to the site, but it does not work. With the laptop the same. Is this normal? This is a first for me.


This issue is now engaged.

Question: Thank you for such a quick response so late) I like your hosting more and more)

Thank you for Your understanding, we apologize for the inconvenience.

Question: The sites are working, but my game server cannot connect to the database corbans. Also thought that the case in the new system, but the same system settings on the laptop the same. Can help or comment on this like that? Thank you.

ask what kind of server is it and what is srcbank

Question: I have a panel for the game servers KSS, called sarbans. The server connects to the panel and writes the data on the players. But at this point the panel writes an error that there is no connection. Although your failure yesterday everything was fine. And the panel is bad in General to boot. Main website like normal. In principle, you can see for yourself *.*.*

what the server connects to the panel? let ip

Question: ***.**.**.**

please Check now.

Question: Don`t know what you did but it worked) Thanks)
Question: And blunt stopped panel)

we have added the ip to trusted

Question: Clear. I`ve created a ticket on this topic. Am now very aware of this. Thanks again.


Question: The problem came back. Since morning no connection.

Inform your IP, you can read it on the page http://www.ukrline.com.ua/*ip.php

Question: ***.**.**.**

please Check now.

Question: Works. Why is it so?

please Specify what you were doing on the site.

Question: Absolutely nothing. Just walked into the bar, looked at whether the rule \"%\" and all. For sites not connected in any way.

ip dobavlen in trusted

Question: So yesterday I added already, and somewhere in an hour lost the connection.

there were many connections for this ip

Question: I think it should be. The website does not work the first month and somehow the connection began to disappear after your recent failure.

what is our failure?

Question: View the ticket from the beginning)

this is not related to the problems of network data center

Question: Well, obviously


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