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Question: good evening. can`t log into the admin area of Joomla. the login window is not golovskoi and login with the password admin does not pass, it again asks to log in... what could it be?


WP and Joomla is protected from hacking by bots, an additional authorization. Username and password for login indicated in the authorization window, in the description.

Question: the login window without any instructions or descriptions... where is it? I do not understand...

most Likely You use the chrome browser, the latest miersii, it is now turned off, the reflection of the additional description, and for this reason are now discus, in the new version it should return, try amps. entering with a different browser, for example FireFox.

Question: tried the same story... (((
Question: oooo!... sorry, using the Fox turned out... thank you! success!

Thank you, that appealed to customer support.

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