Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       Yandex reported problems with the hosting

Question: Hello I Have all pages of my sites recently dropped out of Yandeksa wrote to them in support, what`s the matter? That`s part of the answer:**. * * **.** our robot had problems when connecting to Your site as blocked access indexer robot from Your hosting. In this regard, the site has not been indexed. At the moment this problem does not occur, the site has already started to be indexed and to appear in the search results after *-* updates the search database. Please wait a bit.There were some problems so prolonged?


Problems on server with dostupnosti fiction.

Question: And they probably can`t prove ? )

Maybe there were some problems with the channel on the way from theirs to our servers, this rarely happens, but in the nature exists.

Question: ** Days can it last?

ask them about the availability of our server.

Question: How do I exactly ask the question that they request? So they only date called

check the configuration robots.txt

Question: I setup and not changed. Today, Yandex wrote that page is departed, they say that everything is fine with the hosting, but with Robots and everything was fine.


Tell me how to configure robots.txt under specific cms
Hello. We offer You several configuration templates robots.txt for popularnych cms

User-agent: * # apply to all search engines
Crawl-delay: * # set the delay between queries of a search robot Disallow: *? # disallow all dynamic pages
Disallow: *.php$ # disallow all pages with the extension ".php”
Disallow: /search page/ #disallow page of search results
Disallow: /tag/ # disallow all pages of tags (labels)
Disallow: /feed/ # disallow XML-feed latest articles
Disallow: /page/ # disallow unnecessary pages in WP that appear after you specify a static page as home (otherwise – is NOT specified)
Disallow: */attachment/ # disallow page attachments
Host: site.ru # specify the main mirror Yandex
Sitemap: http://site.ru/sitemap.xml # specify the address of the XML Sitemap

For joomla
User-agent: *
Disallow: /administrator/
Disallow: /bin/
Disallow: /cache/
Disallow: /cli/
Disallow: /components/
Disallow: /includes/
Disallow: /installation/
Disallow: /language/
Disallow: /layouts/
Disallow: /libraries/
Disallow: /logs/
Disallow: /media/
Disallow: /modules/
Disallow: /plugins/
Disallow: /templates/
Disallow: /tmp/
Disallow: /index.php*
Disallow: /index*.php*
Allow: /images/
Allow: /index.php?option=com_xmap&sitemap=*&view=xml
Host: westoning
Sitemap: http://ваш_адрес_карты_сайта
Clean-param: searchword /
Crawl-delay: *

Question: I have on both sites has not changed robots in about month, Intex had dozens stranicu business elsewhere

please Wait.


You have a Crawl-delay in robots.txt ? forbidden to index the folders that do not require indexing?

Question: I have robots with Dec did not change Yandex says that he was not available ** days for them. Unless there may be associated robots?My РоботсUser*: *Host: *.*: /wp*: /wp*: /wp*: /wp*: /wp*: http://*.*.*User*: YandexImagesAllow: /wp*User*: Googlebot*ImageAllow: /wp*/

With our storonu Yandex bakerwals not as if we blocked him, You would have received a notice from the metrics that the site is not available.

Question: Logical. Just prior experience this was not. Written in Yandex again now


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