Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       Changing server IP addresses

Question: Hello. I received a letter that the server changed the IP address.> Your server will change ip> new ip> Proverit entrance to the new ip>Для what it is? We are already tired to spend time on setup and test site and settings.

Hello. Hello. with the old server had a problem with equipment. data periasany, there is only Your server

Question: Hello. The entrance works. The website ceased to be available at fastwax1.ispvps118.erahost.ru. You changed your address? We want to link the website to our domain. What dns servers need to point the domain to reference on this hosting?


You changed the settings? when you transfer the website to work.



he now works




Question: Hello! Php settings are changed and the git had to be installed again. Now .htaccess files does not picks up the values for the php settings. Great! The file /var/www/fastwax/data/www/fastwax/.htaccess is not loaded settings. 64Mphp_value php_value upload_max_filesize post_max_size max_input_time max_input_vars 64Mphp_value 10000php_value 200
Question: You need to be .htaccess was the ability to change php options.

These parameters are specified in the php file.ini

Question: Install then, please, there are these options. Early and through .htaccess worked.

the request sent to the administrator.


you have stood mode php cgi or Apache module? php_value works only in the mode of a module of Apache. you can change the properties of the www domain to another mode

Question: Stood in the mode of a module of Apache.

then, install it now. in this mode .Your htaccess Directive

Question: Hello!In this folder /var/www/fastwax/data/www/fastwax in .set htaccess php_value upload_max_filesize Directive 64Mphp_value 64Mphp_value post_max_size max_input_time max_input_vars 10000php_value 200Но they do not apply http://fastwax.ispvps118.erahost.ru/info.phpИсправьте this, please.

you have not specified the mode of operation of php for the domain.

please Check now.

Question: Yes, now changed, thank you!


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