Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       The site does not work Chesterstudio.com

Question: The site does not work Chesterstudio.com please as quickly as possible to restore its performance and to report the reason.

Hello. by kako prichny You delete files from the host?  you don`t have a website, You got it all

Question: We did not delete, how can I find out how much and by whom was this done?
Question: Tell me how many you have a recent backup of our website?

when was the last time You were on the website and in the panel and what you were doing

Question: In the panel was for a long time already. Approximately in 20 days of March published a blog entry. Please clarify about backup.

removing it from this ip

Is Your ip? You were avtorizovanij

2016-04-03 21:39:07 auth OK []
2016-04-03 22:23:48 auth OK []

Question: It`s not our IP. Please clarify about backup.


a backup is already restored.

change your passwords and check your computer for viruses


Question: Thank you very much!

change passwords and PowerJet your computer for Trojans

To change the password in cPanel, You need to authorize it and through the Change password. To change the password of the billing system, use the Profile.
Please set complex passwords with numbers and upper case letters.


your site is infected and is vulnerable to hacking


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