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Question: Good afternoon.Yandex daily sends such a letter.What could be the problem?According to the monitoring detected problems with the site availability http://domostar.com.ua (2016-04-07 20:26:47, counters: 33830914)a description of the problem: Unknown IP adressmonika the cause of the problem: Incorrectly configured DNS address of your sitewide to all notifications in the report \"Monitoring. Test results\":https://metrika.yandex.ru/stat/monitoring_results?id=33830914.Настроить notification of monitoring results, You can visit the \"My counters\" (https://metrika.yandex.ru/list).Learn more about monitoring sites, see: https://help.yandex.ru/metrika/reports/monitoring.xml

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded07.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: http://joxi.ru/8238VQ8u6l8geA

tracing is true, it can be seen nxj website available

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