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Question: Hello. Is such a thing. My website was on castengera, yesterday was moved here. I now go to the admin panel of the website? before it was shefnerok.com/wp-admin now my data there are not like.Rummaged in the Internet, there`s explained how to change the password via phpMyAdminно it says look for users in the wp_users tab, I have the same zjih_usersВозможно that now enter the admin panel I have another link?Or how can I log into the admin panel?)

Hello. utochnyat as You go and what do you see?

Question: go to the link shefnerok.com/wp_adminвижу field for entering a username and password (but not on the page, word press, and directly from the website)
Question: shefnerok.com/wp-admin this

enter here first?

Question: login, then the password from the admin panel which I used to transfer the site to your hosting admin panel does not go

first, enter the username and password specified in the pop-up window, right?

Question: in the pop-up window never specified a username and password, there are 2 forms that I fill out, but I can`t authenticate
Question: before I was redirected on the ward presscake directly on the website, a pop-up window

in vsplyvayuschee, if You are not using chrome, specified the username and password for this window

Question: There, I understood (I went through Mozilla)Now the question is, can I remove this pop-up at all, and so I was immediately redirected to WordPress?

this window protects Your website against brute force attacks. now comes the attack

Question: Got it, thanks.

sites on wp engine at the moment is a strong attack aimed at password guessing

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