Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: First a few questions.1. Is it possible to manage your hosting from your smartphone? Personal account has a mobile interface?Control panel?2. Is it possible to disable e-mail messages that received a ticket response? Really cluttering up the service box...Thank you!Regards, Andrew


1. You can log into your account through a mobile phone browser, it will work.

2. no there is no such option.

Question: Thanks for the info!


Question: Tell me where You can send a screenshot for a better and clear description of the issue?

Download piccy.info and provide the link

Question: Screenshots sometimes contain confidential information.I would not like to ship them to a public server...You Have an internal mail?

customer Service is closed on the tickets. E-mail to send anything inappropriately. provide as uploaded a screenshot and then delete it.

Question: Can I give You a link to the file from another cloud?Google Drive for example?

it is possible and so. as You wish

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