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Question: Zdravstvenega help. How to change the encoding of database in PhpMyadmin?

Hello. describe the problem in more detail. Your question is not clear

Question: Created the database, installed wordpress. In the config of the site, the DB encoding is specified utf8mb4, you just utf8. How to do it?

tweak the config of the site, < / span>utf8.


the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.


the website lrteam.kz  works. utochnyat what it the problem

Question: Created the database, installed wordpress. In the config of the site, the DB encoding is specified utf8mb4, you just utf8. How to do it?Edit the config file does not give the desired result.

you need to download the dump. in the text dump to replace utf8mb4 to utf8 . delete data from the database and to import ladies again.

utochnyat what problem did you have on the website? what You have is not working?



please Check now.


Question: Does not work authorization. Can not under the admin log.

is that where you enter? what browser you use?

enter the additional login window?

Question: The whole issue with that was. The engine is filled with zero
Question: chrome browser username and password admin

is that where you enter? what browser you use?

enter additional login window?

Question: out oknapolonia avtorizacija domain access http://lrteam.kz you must specify the user name and password.The connection to the website is not zashishennom user:Password:

please Wait, the request is sent to the administrator.


this extra window wedjet the point that it contains. if you use chrome  the chrome is not show.

there specified username admin password boss

Question: thank you


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