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<< Previous       Can`t delete the folder cache from the server

Question: Hello.As casovie files filled almost all memory, deleting the cache folder, the server never deletes the folder. Leaving it unchanged.Help to correct the problem.Thank you.


the Folder the cache is cleaned.

Question: Also so there, Vladimir.public_html/cacheCache not deleted, tried to delete via FTP - no change.

you 65ГБ cached data. Why do you need this caching on the site? Wait, the files are removed.


Folder pakistna. In the last 340 minutes you have a 5500 files. Configure caching in the admin site. You occupy more than half of the disk quota file caching. Why do you need it?


Set the caching on the website you every half hour for 5000 files is created.


disable this cache until you understand its settings.

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