Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello, how do I get access to the vps control panel and how to configure ssh access to the server?

the ip of Your server ***.***.*.***

the root password sent to your mail

also, You can log in to dashboard  ***.***.*.***:****

and in the user`s properties to specify the ssh access

Question: Send me please the password for LK (*) in the mail again

please Check now.

Question: And login the same?

root Login

Question: Now I have a *** error reason

Specify how and where you enter and where you have the *** error.

Question: No, Poo I`ve come. On the website *** error

what website?

Question: /*.*

folders are not loyal rights of the owner, You need to change from x to a custom or we can do it ourselves.

Question: Please do this.

please Wait.


User has changed, it now correctly, so changed the rights were not given to the right files nogino to specify * * * for peplc ***.

Question: Is it possible to put php*.*?

the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.

Question: Good morning!When the administrator will be able to answer, in order to put the website.

an Administrator is installing a new version of PHP, please do not hold on the server no work.


php updated

# php-v
PHP *.*.**-*~dotdeb+*.* (cli) (built: Apr * **** **:**:**)
Copyright (c) ****-**** The PHP Group
Zend Engine v*.*.*, Copyright (c) ****-**** Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v*.*.*-dev, Copyright (c) ****-****, by Zend Technologies

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