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Question: Please tell me.1. I need to go to the desired package to distribute 3 website disk space ( how to do)2. Wish that every domain brought to your website 3. How to get free domain for your package

Hello. Domain for the test is in Your panel menu - aliases

if You want to add, Niccolo sites

1. add as an additional domain in the control panel
2. Change the DNS on the Registrar`s site
2. Website files upload to the directory specified when you create the domain
http://ded07.net/ help on how to use the panel


Question: All done just can`t allocate disk prostranstvakh to do it?

You have total disk space for all that is on Your account. it is not distributed

Question: Well spasibochki me to redirect a domain in the control domain ( at the Registrar) and I have two of them ( two domains and two different logger), I need your data to register ns1.hostven03.com: ns2.hostven03.com: but how to do that would be for each domain just came across his website ( in his folder)

you need to add domains in control panel in the menu - additional domains

Question: thanks for the help


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