Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good afternoon.Think about the website transfer to your hosting.I have You already. Can I change my tariff plan and migrate the website to You. What do you need.

Hello. change tariff plan and submit a request for transfer form in your billing panel

Question: A transfer of the site and a database connection.And whether to run two websites on one account.

apply for a transfer within your billing panel and technical support will transfer Your site.

one uchetnoi records masutrbating any number of sites.

Question: Good afternoon.I changed the tariff plan.Changed server **.hostven**.*can I register my website *.**.*.* to You for hosting.

Yes, of course, You need to Park a domain in Your cPanel, under \"Additional domains\", there You will be able to add domain and assign a working directory.

the New DNS has not yet entered into force, it is normal that they earned an average of *-** hours.

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