Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Here, I got a letter from our editor:I does not display the website. Tried from another computer, login - no problems.Maybe my IP is blocked? Please ask the host: IPv*:**.***.***.**Yesterday posted articles from another computer, but one has already returned for revision because \"when you click on links to your site gives a virus threat.\" It`s not just him, there are other people that will not let me on the website for this reason.


Expect the amps. we want to check.


Zdravstvuite of widget a message about the \"viral threat\"  ?  or no access to the server?

the threat


now we will check Your website for viruses



it a virus not found

SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: *******
Engine version: *.**.*
Scanned directories: ***
Scanned files: ******
Infected files: *
Data scanned: ****.** MB
Data read: ****.** MB (ratio *.**:*)

now let`s check neskolkimi antivirus.

but most likely the site is blocked because of the \"junk\" links on your website

You have very many materials which are loaded with


they pretty stamen slow down your website. everything is loaded from the server, downloaded very quickly.


here`s another one of antivrus found this

/home/sem**/web/sem**.ru/public_html/engine/editor/width.php Virus found PHP/BackDoor; deleted, inserted into virus vault.


here is the full Otchet


the first thing You need to do is to close the vulnerability.

Vulnerabilities in scripts (*)
  • /home/sem**/web/sem**.ru/public_html/engine/classes/min/index.php - AFD : MINIFY : CVE-****-**** 
  • Question: it is clear (although what kind of vulnerability do not understand), what about IP **.***.***.**
    Question: and I have this file at all on the server do not see/***/***.*public_html*.php*PHP*

    ip is not blocked.

    what is nedostupnosti?  him such as address ***.***.**.**:**** available?

    according to the vulnerability , clean the site and Ustinovka protection on the site, you can contact https://revisium.com/ru/order

    tell them the report http://sem**.ru/AI-BOLIT-REPORT-_sem**_web_sem**_ru_public_html-******-**-**-****_**-**.html



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