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Question: Good time of day! At the moment, there is a need to make a landing page but in the designer there is no possibility to make a static menu and does not have this feature.Question is it possible to add this feature or maybe there are some other solutions?Other designers, such as http://*.*.* this opportunity is in the settings is called * You have the same it is not there.


a Static menu, ie so that when you scroll the page it was always in one place?

Question: Yes

the Question submitted to the developers, wait for amp.


Received a response from frabotta:

unfortunately, the individual item cannot be done on a static page.
Try to use a Landing option (the gear wheel top right).

Question: Sad) * I`m too lazy to bother with the code that would prove Your programmer back.* I would not knowingly write to You, if I in the constructor is present, this * option (the gear wheel top right)can send a screenshot. It is a pity that the same product as the designer, on different hosts is configured and operates differently.* Of course I understand that the rates for hosting are cheap, but still could be better...)

the Question submitted to the developers wait for amp.


Option added landing pages, try it now.

Question: Oleg thanks for your work! I had a problem with the access control Panel (*) - can`t connect. Cannot access the panel for over a week.If you try to go into the panel appears the following inscription:timed out waiting for a response from the website 46.**.*.**.Try the following:refresh the page.Check the connection to the Internet.Check the settings of the proxy server and firewall. The proxy settings are cleared out and the firewall is disabled what do I do?(From another IP is not yet been about to go)

inform your ip

Question: **.***.***.***

Try amps. now.

Question: Thanks now it works!


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